
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Manifesto Market (Prague, CZ)

The weather was VERY bad on Saturday and it was a shame because it was the first week in which restaurants, bars and cafes had their outdoor area open.  Luckily, my friends thought of Manifesto Market so we went there because there were tents and umbrellas to protect us from the rain.  We ate good food, I met some new people and we enjoyed our time.  It was a nice way to spend a rainy afternoon.

we went to the location at Florenc
yummy mini pancakes

South Korea   10,028

Friday, May 15, 2020

Drinks (prague, cz)

My friends were invited to go to their friend's house for some drinks and I tagged along. Before heading out we had a delicious salmon bowl.  It was nice to go out and share drinks with other people. Things are seeming to get much better in CZ and places are starting to open.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

delicious salmon bowl
Egypt   10,025

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Česky Raj

My friends and I wanted to go to Česky Raj last weekend, but the weather was quite bad, so we changed the destination.  This past weekend the weather was nice, so we finally made it.  At first we really didn't know where to go.  We walked a couple places, but then finally found the location we really needed to get to.  The views were absolutely stunning.  It was such a nice day trip.  The path was quite easy to read (luckily I took a photo of the map before entering the park area).  The rocks were so tall and there were narrow and steep stairs.  Such a fantastic day!!!!

yellow all around!
old house
cool place to rest
the map that helped us get around!
300 million years ago??!!
a big group pf grown men and their remote control cars.......
stairs within the rocks
people climbing
cool area to hike around
nice view point
narrow area
friends at the top of the stairs
felt like I was on a movie set
had to walk under the big rock
had to wait for people to walk down in order for me to walk up
so nice
walking down
so cool!
the rocks were so big!
ahead of the pack :)
Turkey   10,021
group pic
quickly climbed up the rock
tree pose
czech flag
nice viewpoint
my fav lookout point....unfortunately the lighting wasn't the best
tree huger and dancing with a tree
gotta do a handstand!
group pic
"thin" parts of the rocks
nice stairs
group pic
looked like no one else was there, NOPE it was a bit crowded in this area
cool area
don't worry, we were wearing our masks most of the day!!
I wanted to go to the top area but, once I did there was an ANGRY hornet.  luckily it gave me a warning buzz and I immediately climbed down
nice day
I'm in the background!
my rock chair  :)   I want this in my garden!
climbing to the top area wasn't too bad
fish eye
three spots just for us