
Sunday, May 10, 2020

Marianske Lazne, Loket, Karlovy Vary, Prague

The last time I was in Prague was on March 14th.  It felt a bit surreal going back into the city for a weekend.  What shocked me was the fact that with both buses I had to take, both drivers were not wearing a face mask!!  Luckily both buses were fairly empty and so was the metro.  Before entering the platform at the metro station, there was hand sanitizer which was great.  My friend, her friend and I decided to go on a day trip.  Originally we wanted to go to Cesky Raj, but the weather didn't look the best, so we decided to change the destination according to the weather.  First we went to Marianske Lazne.  There were so many more things to see then we expected.  We grabbed lunch at a restaurant that had a window open selling food. Then we came across a farmer's market.  We walked along the city and it felt like a ghost town.  We all decided that we would go back once the spas open up.  Then we checked out Loket castle, but obviously couldn't go in because it was closed.  Next we went to Karlovy Vary and there were some people walking around the place, but definitely not as many as there would be normally.  The stalls selling the porcelain cups with straws were of course open and we had to buy one in order to test the different waters.  There was a lot of reconstruction going on so we weren't able to try all the different waters, but still a good number of them. It was definitely the most empty I have ever experienced Karlovy Vary.  It will be good to return once things are back to normal and I can get the full experience.  At the end of the day we decided to check out the old town area of Prague and see how empty it was.  The most amount of people were on the Charles Bridge, but it was still empty.   I was finally able to get the photos that I have seen other people get of Prague.  Of course the whole day we were wearing our masks.  We only took off our masks for a split second while taking the photos.  Like I said I am glad I got to see Prague empty, but I really hope that this will be the last time that is it THAT empty. My first day leaving my area was to the fullest.  I got to see some many things in one day.  It was AWESOME!  Hope everyone around the world is safe and healthy!

do not go near the bus he isn't wearing a mask!!
nice tree in bloom
wearing our masks
magnolia tree
the statue was holding me (actually it wasn't, haha)
who "nose"?
bright day
sunny day
honey wine with a bit of cannabis flavor
second stop
will come back once the doors are open again
vanilla and apricot, yummy!!
nice architecture
the singing fountain
I liked the arch
nice architecture
nice ceiling
there was a nozzle right between my legs, luckily water didn't suddenly come out!
testing the waters

in front of the hotel Pupp in Karlovy Vary  (my great great grandfather help build this hotel)
nice building
gotta test the waters
France  10,015
I got almond and it was DELICIOUS!!
yummy spa wafers
the petals made a heart
pink ground
only ones!
probably wont be able to get a photo like this again
in front of the famous clock
in front of all its glory
now let's go see how the bridge is
nice skies
so many group pics!
on a SATURDAY NIGHT at 8pm!!!
last group pic of the day
bright moon
Wenceslas Square
another angle of the bridge
yummy bowl to end the day!

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