
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

First Day in Japan after 6 years!! (Osaka, JP)

We left our apartment in the morning to catch the bus to go the the airport.  We knew we had a layover in Helsinki during lunchtime, so I decided to get some food from the airport restaurant in Prague.  They are now using reusable containers, so another 80czk was added to the bill.  We got to Helsinki without any problems and went to our boarding gate. Luckily we got there early because there weren't that many seats for people to sit on.  The layout of the airport was really weird.  Then we flew to Japan!!!  It's been 6 years since I have been to Japan, so I was really itching to go.  I really wanted to show Leos as much of Japan as I could in the 15 days we had planned so we didn't waste any time on the day we arrived.  We landed in Osaka (since the flight was cheaper than landing in Tokyo, plus it "made us" explore areas around Osaka) and went straight to our accommodation.  We checked into the hotel and made our way back out to the main area in Osaka.  It was so nice to be walking around, exploring and eating some great food.  We had to get used to the heat, because it was HOT!!!!  The humidity was really high and just so much hotter than in CZ.  It was a wonderful first day.

                                                      waiting for the bus to go to the airport
                                                    Leos working and getting beer before our flight
                                                                    bye Prague
                                                             food I got at Prague airport
                                                      had to get some licorice while in Finland
                                            chopsticks on board, must be heading to Japan
                                                                about to land in Osaka
                                                                    view from the train
                                                                        in Osaka!!

                                                          had to pose with the Glica man

                                                   unfortunately we came a bit late for this temple


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