
Saturday, August 3, 2024

Picking Blackberries

Leos's mother told him about a place where we could pick blackberries a bit outside of Prague.  We have already picked blueberries before, so we thought we might as well give it a go with blackberries.  Its actually a bit more difficult to find fresh blackberries in the stores than blueberries, so its a good thing we went. There were only a few other people picking blackberries, so we had a lot of space for ourselves.  We were eating while we were picking and the berries were delicious.  A huge positive for the blackberries was that I only saw 3 wasps the entire time we were there.  When we picked blueberries, there were so many wasps that you had to be careful while picking. The price for the blackberries was quite good as well.  1kg was 175czk.  When I was in the store I saw that it was 60czk for 100 grams!! I can tell you that I definitely ate more than 100grams while we were picking.  It was fun because we got to do something new and I would definitely want to do it again next year. 

                                                                the entrance to the area

                                                purple tongue and fingers from the blackberries
                                                       we picked just over 2kg of blackberries
                                                            info of the place we went to 

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