
Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Leos worked from home, so we decided that after lunch we would go to the driving range.  Leos has a set of clubs, but he's a leftie so I needed to borrow a golf club from the driving range. The last time we went to the driving range together was 3 years ago! I can't believe its been that long! For some reason I did much better than the last time we went.  A really nice thing about the driving range, was that since it was so hot, no one else was there.  We had the whole place to ourselves, but it was right next to a Dino Park so we heard dinosaur noises the whole time we were there.  Leos had a call while we were there and I am sure the person was wondering where the heck he was with the dinosaur noises in the background. Leos was able to hit the fence which was 150 meters away.  My futherest distance was 125 meters.  It was so much fun and I am sure we will do it again soon (and not 3 years from now)!

                                                        we both got a bucket of 100 balls each

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