
Saturday, July 20, 2024

Walchensee Germany

The main reason we wanted to go to Munich was because we saw that there were some lakes nearby.  It was supposed to be quite hot on Saturday, so we thought it would be perfect to go to the lake.  Luckily, we drove to the lakes and got to the parks side of it first.  We had to pay a 6 euro entry fee, but it was well worth it.  It was picturesque and not that many people were there.  We also had to pay for parking which was a bit annoying, but once we got to the other side were anyone could access the lake I totally understood.  While we were driving to and from the lake the area really reminded me of Lichtenstein. The lake was really stunning and I couldn't believe that such a place existed in Germany.  I took so many photos!  After our wonderful day at the lake we headed back to Munich and went for some Chinese noodles.  It was pretty tasty.  Then we walked around the city. It was such a great day!

                                                        the area had so many of these tiny frogs

                                                            yummy Chinese noodles

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