
Friday, July 5, 2024

Bike Ride

The last time I went on a long bike ride was a few years ago.  I've been wanting to show Leos the long trail I used to go on and it was finally time.  There was a public holiday and the weather wasn't too hot, so it was the perfect time to go.  I have no idea how I was able to remember the trail, but somehow I did.  It was a great workout and nice to be biking in the forest after sometime.  I hope to do it again soon. 

                                            I took a picture of my bike like this years ago
                                                                now there are 2 bikes

                                                                our destination
                                                    nice to chill on the bench for a while
                                                                    the lake closer to the village

                                                                relaxing on my hammock

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