
Sunday, February 9, 2020

Quick Trip (Eilat, Israel)

While I was home in December I was looking around for some cheap airline tickets and found a round-trip ticket to Eilat, Israel from Prague for just $66/1500czk.  This included a 10kg carry on for one way.  I had heard from friends that food was quite expensive in Israel, so I brought a good amount of food with me.  I am glad I got the warning, because the food was indeed quite expensive.  From the airport to the city there is a public bus that costs just 4.2 NIS.  As I was getting into the city, I could see that it was a resort town.  For my first night I stayed in a camp that my friend made with another friend of his.  It was a really cool place to stay even though there was no electricity.  The next morning I walked to a beach where I was able to snorkel straight from the shore.  I saw some nice fish and it a great way to enjoy the weather instead of being at home with snow.  Then I went back into the city and walked around.  I got to see a lion fish from the marina, it was so cool.  Then my friend and I went to the Ice Mall where I did some shooting, tried the only self accelerating zip line in the world and a crazy 360 attraction.  I went with a girl who was too scared to go by herself.  She grabbed my hand for the whole ride.  I was laughing and I think she passed out, by looking at the video. It was such an eventful day and am grateful for all the things I got to do.  It was really an awesome day.

photo doesn't show it that well, but it was the dirtiest my seat has ever been on a flight
tax free mall....def a resort city
slept in this the first night
cool camp
no walls, just a roof
able to see the sea from a higher place
yup, I slept there
maybe one day I can create something like this
indicator of where to enter the dessert for the camp
coral reef area
beautiful day
rocky shore with my ghost white feet
palm trees
love the color of the water
back in the center of Eilat
in the marina
and another one!!
nice view
its always nice to be by the sea at sunset
ice skating rink in Ice Mall
I did alright
zip line
thumbs up
you can see me with my hands up
Israel  9957
the crazy 360 ride

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