
Saturday, June 1, 2024

Milan Day 1

The weekend called for rain in Prague, so I was very happy that we were going to Milan.  I had found tickets earlier this year that were pretty cheap, so I had to buy them.  The last time I was in Milan was when I was a small child. I am happy that I got to discover this city again with my husband.  When we were taking off from Prague it was raining and when we landed in Milan, it was sunny. Once we got to the airport, we needed to take a shuttle to get to the center of the city.  It only cost 16 euros round trip for the shuttle. We went to our accommodation to drop stuff off and then went for lunch. We decided to try something that we never had before. It was almost like an open sided pizza pocket. It was quite nice. After lunch, I had to get some granita because I really fell in love with it when we went to Siciliy earlier this year.  Then we walked to the Duomo and it was just so beautiful! We explored all over the city and made our way to Leoš's sister's hotel.  By pure chance she was in Milan at the same time we were!!  Leoš saw a post she made and messaged her asking if she was in Milan.  It was her last night, so we made plans to meet up.  She went to Milan with her husband and their friends.  We walked by the river and went to a restaurant.  The food was good and it was nice that we were all able to have dinner before they left the next day.

                                                                        rainy Prague
                                                                    sunny Milan
                                                      snowy mountains in the distance
                                          location where shuttle drops you off in the center

                                              very popular place that had a very long line
                                                    our accommodation 

                                                        delicious brioche and almond granita


                                                            tour with VR glasses

                                                                        octopus salad

Czech  10,483

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