
Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Leos worked from home, so we decided that after lunch we would go to the driving range.  Leos has a set of clubs, but he's a leftie so I needed to borrow a golf club from the driving range. The last time we went to the driving range together was 3 years ago! I can't believe its been that long! For some reason I did much better than the last time we went.  A really nice thing about the driving range, was that since it was so hot, no one else was there.  We had the whole place to ourselves, but it was right next to a Dino Park so we heard dinosaur noises the whole time we were there.  Leos had a call while we were there and I am sure the person was wondering where the heck he was with the dinosaur noises in the background. Leos was able to hit the fence which was 150 meters away.  My futherest distance was 125 meters.  It was so much fun and I am sure we will do it again soon (and not 3 years from now)!

                                                        we both got a bucket of 100 balls each

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

GGI Global Picnic

GGI Prague was having a Global Picnic, so I definitely had to join.  My original idea was to make brownies, but I messed up by trying to adjust the recipe, so I had to pivot.  I added some Lindt chocolate mousse to the top of the brownie crumbs and it worked.  It was a nice chocolate mess.  A few other ladies made some stuff as well and all of it was delicious. There were sausage rolls (vegan and regular), vegan banana bread, nectarine bread, veggie wraps, homemade bread, and delicious Turkish Poacha (spelling?).  It was an evening of fun and laughs.  It was nice to meet all of you. The only down part of the picnic was the very end when we were all getting bit by mosquitos.  I ended up with a huge ball on the side of my forehead.  Despite the bites I think we all had a good time.  Hopefully we can have another picnic next month!


                                                                    Turkey  10,520
                                                                    Czech Republic
                                                                        India 10,524

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Slaughter Slam 24.7

Once I started my summer holidays, I told Laura that I would go to her show every time I could.  The great thing is that the show is different every week because there are different comedians each time. It's always a fun time and so nice that the audience gets to be involved as well. This week I decided to take more photos.  It was a great time!  If anyone wants to go to her show, its every Wednesday evening at Tequila Tales.  Doors open at 19:00 and the show starts at 20:000.  See you there!

                                                                    The Netherlands
                                                                        Czech Republic
                                                                        Czech Republic  10,510
                                                                    Czech Republic
                                                                    Czech Republic
                                                                    Albania  10,517

Sunday, July 21, 2024

English Gardens (Munich, Germany)

We wanted to walk around a bit before leaving Munich, so we decided to go to the English Gardens.  Its a really big park that has a lot to see.  We came across 2 locations in the park where people were surfing.  Yes, surfing!  The first area we saw it seemed like people had rented boards and we quite novice.  The second area we came across had people who really knew how to surf.  They were good.  Then we came across a Japanese festival.  It was sooooo crowded and so many people were in cosplay. I'm so happy that the Japanese Festivals in Prague do not get as crowded as what we saw in Munich.  I saw a few cosplayers I thought I could get their pictures and they were good sports about it.  We had a great weekend in Munich.

                                                                        Germany 10,505