
Sunday, May 12, 2024

Asparagus Festival

Leoš and I were trying to decide what to do for the day.  He came across information about an asparagus and horseradish festival.  It was in a small village outside of Prague.  We didn't have any other plans and I thought it sounded interesting enough, so we decided to go.  It was MUCH bigger than we both expected it to be.  There were several tents selling different kinds of asparagus dishes.  We tried risotto, salad, pastry, soup and Leoš even tried asparagus beer!!  There were different activities going on throughout the day.  First there was a cooking show, then a competitive eater tested to see how much asparagus he could eat in 10 minutes and the last activity was a horseradish grating contest.  Since we were in a random village, I thought I might as well join the competition.  Men had one competition and women had the other.  Each group had 6 competitors.  In the beginning I was ahead of everyone. Then I lost my grip and lost some momentum, but I was still doing quite well.  However, the lady next to me cut her finger and was bleeding like crazy.  I am sure the horseradish juices in the cut was not helping the situation. She got to win because of it.....  I got distracted by her, plus I didn't understand the rules completely. I didn't realize we didn't need to go down all the way to the end.  I thought we could just leave a little amount. The other ladies left so much left over of the horseradish. The judge was not paying attention at all and two other women just claimed to be 2nd and third.  It was not fair at all, but whatever. I am happy that I didn't cut my finger or break any nails.  Plus I did get a participation prize of asparagus and horseradish.  Only the "top" three got to have bigger prizes.  It was a nice day that was totally unexpected.  I actually wouldn't mind going to this festival again in the future!

                                                                        Caesar Salad
                                                        we bought green and white asparagus
                                                                        asparagus pastry
                                                                    asparagus soup
                                                                        asparagus beer

                                                            got free dried worms
                                                   asparagus eating contest (with himself, haha)
                                               gotta get my game face for the competition, haha!
                                                        the men's horseradish grating contest
                                                            now the women compete
                                                                I was in the lead
                                        the woman next to me in white cut her finger and bled like crazy
                                                       got to bring this home for participating

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