
Friday, May 17, 2024

Spain for the Weekend

On Thursday night, Leoš's friend and his friend's girlfriend came over to spend the night at our place. The next day we had to wake up at 3:30am to get a taxi and get to the airport.  When we all arrived to Madrid we took another taxi to our hotel. It was too early to check in, so we dropped off our stuff and headed to get breakfast.  We had the typical Spanish breakfast of churros with chocolate.  The cups of chocolate were way too big.  It was such a sugar rush.  Then we walked around the city, Alcala de Henares.  It was quite nice and beautiful.  Then we took a train to get into Madrid.  The city was busier and full of people.  We walked to a beautiful park in the center.  Then we went for tapas in a market. We walked around the main square and then needed to head back to the hotel to get a bit of rest before the party.  The future bride and groom set up a party so some of us could meet each other before the wedding.  The drinks and food were flowing.  It was a fun night, but it was so tiring because we had woken up at 3:30am that day.  I think we were up for 21 hours total.  It was a great busy start to the weekend.

                                                            Tarek teaching Leoš how to fold
                                               a person drives the bridge away from the plane
                                                                        the Vltava River
                                                                up in the clouds
                                                                about to land in Madrid
                                                                Alcala de Henares

                                                Sancho Panza and Don Quixote

                                                                    dragon drain pipes

                                                                    churros for breakfast

                                                                taking the train to Madrid

                                                                        black swans!

                                                                Leoš talking to his dad

                                                                    area for tapas

                                                                    Japanese tapas place
                                                       we went for the 6 tapas+3 glasses of wine

                                                             I guess they love Takis in Spain

                                                                    super crowded market
                                                                        really long nose!
                                                  apparently there are 45 Taco Bells in Madrid

                                           getting to know others before the wedding the next day
                                                     friends while they worked and lived in UK

                                recreating their first time meeting thinking that the other was German

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