
Saturday, May 18, 2024

Laura and Victor's Wedding

Leoš and I were invited to Leoš's former housemate/co-worker's wedding.  It was a long time in the making.  We officially got invited last year and had it marked in our calendars for some time.  I was happy that it was in Spain because it enabled me to visit a different city in Spain and also gave me the chance to meet some of Leoš's former coworkers/friends from when he lived in London.  The wedding had so many details that made it so incredible.  There was a bus that took guests (who needed to stay in a hotel) to the actual location of the ceremony. The bus picked us up at 6:30pm because the ceremony started at 7:30pm.  I have never been to a wedding that started in the evening, but it was nice because it gave us the whole day to explore the city. The ceremony was nice and there were several guests who had speeches for the couple.  After their vows were exchanged, all of us were given a small amount of rice to throw at the couple as they walked by.  Then we went to the area for drinks and tapas.  These tapas were given to us JUST BEFORE dinner.  I took a photo of the tapas that we got.  In total there were 14 DIFFERENT tapas!!!  Straight after we all went inside for dinner.  We had to look for our names to see which table we would be at. We were at the international table.  Everyone was really nice at our table. We were all surprised at the amount of food that we were given.  Everything was delicious, but I just couldn't finish it all.  During dinner, guests went to the couple's table to give them their wedding gifts.  Afterwards, the mothers came around giving women small pots of honey and the fathers came around giving men a bottle of alcohol.  When dinner was finished, we all went to the party area.  There was an area for photos with props and a place where a camera would go around you 360 degrees.  The couple had their dances and then it was time to party.  It was such a fun night and we ended at 5am. The bus that took us to the wedding venue took us back to the hotel.  It was a wonderful celebration.  Congratulations Laura and Victor!  Thank you for inviting us!



                                                                    cactus and lemon sorbet
                                                                    steak and potatoes
                                               they were sad that they couldn't finish their steaks
                                                                    Leoš finished his steak

                                                              red velvet cake and ice cream

                                          gifts of honey for the women and alcohol for the men

                                                                        Spain  10,455


                                                                Germany  10,460
                                                                        Dominican Republic

                                                                Spain  10,470


                                                                        Spain  10,478

                                                                how was the shot Leoš?


                                                                        sandwich time

                                                                            pizza time

                                                                bus back to the hotel

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