
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Peperpot Park, Suriname

I had to return the bike in the morning and I was trying to figure out what to do for the day.  I remembered that Peperpot wasn't too far on the map, so I decided that I was gonna go for the day.  First I took a boat to cross the river.  Since there were lots of people wanting to cross the river it only cost 1.25 srd.  Then I walked and walked and walked until I got to Peperpot Nature Reserve.(18srd)  The people who worked at the Nature Reserve were wondering how I got there because I was sweating so much.  When I told them that I walked from the boats, they were shocked.  Since I walked so much just to get there, they gave me a map of the reserve to make sure I could take short cuts.  I had to walk 3.2km on the main road of the reserve.  I saw lots of small lizards and 2 really big lizards.  Plus I was lucky enough to see a lot of monkeys swinging in the trees.  It was a bit eerie walking around the reserve all by myself and hearing all the creatures move about.  Then I saw the sign that showed the jaguars. Then I had a crazy thought: if I died by a jaguar eating me, I would want it in my obituary.  Of course, I didn't see any jaguars.  When I got to the end of the reserve, I had to walk another 1km to get to the old coffee plantation and factory.  It was interesting to see.  Then I started to walk back to where I needed to catch the bus to get to the boats. It was REALLY hot.  A nice guy saw me walking and offered to give me a lift.  He asked where I was heading and I told him that I just needed to get dropped off at the bus stop so then I could get the boat to get back to the city.  He told me that he was going to a shop on the main road and he would drop me off there.  It was really nice of him.  I just needed to walk a lil bit and then I took the boat back to the city.  Then I walked around and because I was so tired I got a bit lost.  Luckily I had a map with me so I was able to find my way and got a bus back to my friend's place.  It was a day FULL of walking!  Another great day of exercise and views!


beautiful palms

crossing the river again

sunken ship ahead

up close


Suriname   7109

peperpot park


3.2 km road

bamboo arch

kinds of snakes that could be found

there is a monkey in the middle of the branches

termite nest

cacao tree

city on the other side


plantation houses

more houses

the main plantation house

old coffee factory

old coffee factory


really big factory

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